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Parents with Child


Founded in 2022, the "SWISS to cure DIPG" foundation's main goal  is to serve children and families, diagnosed with the deadliest DIPG/ DMG* cancer among children and adolescents, as well as the wider dedicated medical community.

The founders started funding the DIPG/DMG Center in Zurich to:

  • Expend and speed-up research and treatments for this devastating cancer; offer personalized precision medicine; 

  • Give all children access to top-experts and top clinical-trials;

  • Raise awareness & support where governments and industry do not see profits, are too slow or just ignore the need.

*Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) / Diffuse Midline Glioma (DMG)

Feeding a child a cookie

Our Programs

Making a Difference

Family having fun outside

Patients & Families

Consult and advise patients and families for connections, resources, experts or other data that we have encounter in our experience and research. 


Work on fundraising, expending and supporting the DIPG/DMG Center Zurich to offer more choices, have larger capacity for international patients and continue delivering affordable top-notch (best in class) personalized care and advice.  


Raise awareness and work with experts, administration and legislators to adequately support the needs of patients and families.

Kids Running

You can donate directly to the DIPG Center in Zurich through the our dedicated page Children's Hospital Zurich. If you need a tax document for outside of Switzerland, please write to us

  • Swiss to cure DIPG annual fundraising apero
    Swiss to cure DIPG annual fundraising apero
    Fr., 16. Dez.
    Haus zum Rüden, Zürich
    16. Dez. 2022, 18:00 – 21:00 MEZ
    Haus zum Rüden, Zürich, Limmatquai 42, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland
    16. Dez. 2022, 18:00 – 21:00 MEZ
    Haus zum Rüden, Zürich, Limmatquai 42, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland
    Leading experts, families and friends will share an open discussion, over an an Apéro, on the latest developments towards curing the deadliest children cancer (and dead causing disease in children) and fundraise to offer more of our children the chance to grow-up and build life as they deserve.
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